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Shoe salon Zlatko (BB SHOES now) opened it's doors for the first time in 1933 in the very center of Zagreb, at the address Ilica 21, owned by Zlatko Budiselić. Shoe salon Zlatko is a shoemaker & craft workshop that hand-makes men's shoes to measure from quality and natural leather - known for tradition, quality and durability. In 2005, Zlatko's son Bruno Budiselić took over the business, and the goal of the company's work was to focus on the following trend or fashion. Shoes are intended for two types of men: those who know exactly what they want and those who don't. We also enable the production of the custom-made shoes, more precisely from the very idea of ​​the customer in all colors and models to the final product.
We also repair the shoes - for ladies & gentlemen which are going out of our workshop as a brand new!

Let's not forget our masters who learned their craft at the school for leather, textiles and design, and through practice and work with us, turned your idea into reality.

Considering that we have been doing business and working for many years (88 years), we expect new trends that we will meet in the third generation that follows.


Salon cipela Zlatko (BB SHOES sada) svoja je vrata prvi put otvorio 1933. godine u strogom centru Zagreba, na adresi Ilica 21, u vlasništvu Zlatka Budiselića.

Salon cipela Zlatko je postolarska i zanatska radnja koja ručno izrađuje muške cipele po mjeri od kvalitetne i prirodne kože poznate po tradiciji, kvaliteti i trajnosti.

2005. posao je preuzeo Zlatkov sin Bruno Budiselić, a cilj rada tvrtke bio je usredotočiti se na sljedeći trend ili modu. Kako navodi, cipele su namijenjene dvjema vrstama muškaraca: onima koji točno znaju što žele i onima koji ne znaju.

Omogućujemo i izradu cipela po mjeri, točnije samu ideju kupca u svim bojama i modelima.
Također popravljamo sve cipele za dame i gospodu - koje nakon popravka
 iz našeg salona izlaze kao nove!

Ne zaboravimo naše majstore koji su svoj zanat naučili u školi za kožu, tekstil i dizajn, a kroz vježbu i rad s nama vašu su ideju pretvorili u stvarnost.

S obzirom na to da poslujemo i radimo dugi niz godina (88 godina), očekujemo nove trendove s kojima ćemo se susresti u trećoj generaciji koja slijedi.

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